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Things You Need To Know Before Keeping An Emotional Animal

Do you think that a pet can able to lift your spirits? Do they really help to qualify your mental disorder? You will get lots of people who actually love keeping a pet and this also benefits them in many ways. But before keeping such do you need to know some basic steps.
It is important to diagnose your mental condition
To keep a register dog as emotional support animal, it is important that you get diagnosed with anxiety.  It is said that if you have anxiety or suffering from medical trauma, you might get benefit from it.  But it is only possible under proper law or under a legal advocacy.
Request a doctor to prescribe for a support of an animal
 Although you won’t need emotional support dog certification, a letter written by your doctor can serve the purpose. This letter might help you to revive from certain rules and regulations. It will act as proof that you require an animal always around you.
This will also state you that you have a disease. The disease can be coped up with an emotional animal staying with you.

Request for an exception if animals are not allowed
Though support animals are different from the service animals. The former is allowed to accompany their owner everywhere. A doctor’s certification will help to take the animal wherever they are prohibited.
Pick a pet whichever you like
The service animals include dogs, horses, pigs, monkeys. But an emotional animal can be anything which does not require any training to keep.  Though, research is made based on the benefits of the animals.
It is advisable to get the pet from a local shelter than a pet store because the latter will cost you a lot. Moreover, the requirement of such animal can only be taken after your physician prescribe for the same.
